Episode 51: Will Smith resigns from The Academy, The House votes to federally legalize marijuana

Episode 51: Will Smith resigns from The Academy, The House votes to federally legalize marijuana

Topics of Discussion: -Bruce Arians resigns of Tampa Bay Buccaneers head coach

-Will Smith resigns from the academy after controversy with Chris Rock

-House Reps Vote to Federally Decriminalize Marijuana

-What would the world look like if they legalize marijuana?

- The White House announces gender neutral passports

-Disney President says she wants have of its characters to be minorities and LGBTQ

-Kanye West drops out if Coachella

-the leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization used funds donated to the activist group to buy a 6,500-square foot Southern California mansion for $6 million

- The body of Maryland rapper Goonew propped upright at a concert like-funera

. -Warning signs your dating a gold digger

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