#0102 The Effect of Pride and Children -Further. Every. Day.

#0102 The Effect of Pride and Children -Further. Every. Day.

#0102 The Effect of Pride and Children Further. Every. Day.

First off, the whole conversation surrounding the LGBT community needs to be handled with the preface of love. This does not mean that we ignore the destructive behavior, but that we instead attempt to provide a path for healing and repentance.

With all of that said, pornography and sexual acts are NOT suitable for children and the main thrust of Pride Month is to put partially sanitized samples of both infront of children:


Now, how is the LGBT Community putting this in front of children? You may ask. Well here are several excerpts from the books banned in Florida Schools:

In “Gender Queer: A Memoir”, we can see a young girl having intimate relations with a fake phallus.

In “Flamer” We see boys committing homosexual acts and assault on one another.



I would go on, but it only gets worse with full on pornographic scenes being depicted. Gone are the days of showing human anatomy, but instead, we are showing children porn in the name of “educating” them concerning LGBT issues.

And for what? To bind them to a destructive lifestyle filled with mental health issues? https://news.vumc.org/2022/02/24/study-finds-lgbq-people-report-higher-rates-of-adverse-childhood-experiences-than-straight-people-worse-mental-health-as-adults/

Notice the T was left out of that study. When we look at the Transgender community, the numbers are even more frightening: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34226247/

Now, how should the Christian react to this information? There is a ferver that arises in one's heart to see justice done. This is a good thing, a Godly thing. However, it is critical to note that everyone who holds this ideology is a captive to sin. There are times to be candid and seek justice, but there are also times to act in grace. Note how Christ spoke against the corruption of Judea's Sanhedrin, but he dined individually with them in an attempt to offer grace. Christ also treated individuals with grace, not apathy. His intent was always to offer a path to restoration. That too, should be our aim.