#0118 Does The Pursuit of Happiness Lead To Death? -Further. Every. Day.

#0118 Does The Pursuit of Happiness Lead To Death? -Further. Every. Day.

1. Introduction

  • What do social media prankster getting shot and Doja Cat's depression have in common? Does the pursuit of happiness lead to death and despair, or is there something else happening here?

  • Introduction of the Chairs and topics.

2. News Segment: Social Media Pranksters and Consequences

  • Here's a common story with an unusual ending: https://apnews.com/article/youtuber-shot-tanner-cook-mall-a215712ddbf06b96be62b0e3a6be2047

  • What do you think drives such pranks?

Theology: What does the Bible say about the foolishness of Youth? Proverbs 22:15 contrast this with Psalm 71:17

Philosophy: What do we think about both parties' actions? What do you suspect motivates this prancing behavior?

Culture: Why has this become “normal” in our culture? What happens when we have good times and weak men?

Politics: What do we see the Culture suggestion as remedies for these events? How do these policy measures fail to deal with the root problems?

Economics: How has Social Media Culture incentivized this sort of behavior? What has it done to the value of those who partake in it? See npc streamers: https://youtu.be/P5cxYG7LyYI?feature=shared

3. The Dangers of Chasing Materialism and Satanism

  • Now, let's take the desire for fame and attention to the extreme, say to the level of Sam Smith and Doja Cat, both of whom have done Satanic Rituals for their music. 9:54- https://youtu.be/PD5O_ySsVzI?feature=shared

  • Smith has recently said that Smith has the opposite of body dysmorphia, but one does have to wonder considering Sam's previous interviews: c

  • What seems to be driving these people to this point?

4. Christian Perspective on Vanity and Social Media

  • Theology: What lies are these people believing that have led them to sell themselves for less than their worth?

  • Philosophy: if our value is in Christ, then how would Satan go about enticing us to exchange our inheritance for Satan's counterfeit?

  • Culture: Once the culture has embraced this behavior, how does the culture affect the individual? See Behavioral Sink Theory

  • Politics: When the Culture has become Godless, how does the government become a hinderance to Godliness?

  • Economics: After our value has been robbed from us, what do we continue to trade?

8. Closing Thoughts and Call to Action

  • Final thoughts

  • One more thing: What is your favorite and least favorite social media trend?