#0133 How Did The Church Lose It's Cultural Authority

#0133 How Did The Church Lose It's Cultural Authority

When Did The Church Lose The Culture War? Introduction: When did the Church lose the Culture War? Spoiler Alert, she lost something much more important LONG before she lost the Culture War. What is that, you may ask? Let's explore that as we watch our culture stray further, every, day. Introduce the Guests and Panelists What happened in the 1940s-1960s with the Church, what happened to our view of Biblical Inerrancy? Well, since the 1800s, there had been an attack on the integrity of the Bible's Historical translation and preservation. By the 1940s and 1950s, seminarians were being taught things like Mark 16:9-20 was not originally in the Bible and Jesus did not rise from the dead, in contradiction to all evidence to the contrary. However, this showed in the belief of those in the pews: https://news.gallup.com/poll/166613/four-report-attending-church-last-week.aspx We then see a slow decline in those who even believe in a God leading up to today: https://news.gallup.com/poll/393737/belief-god-dips-new-low.aspx All of this to say, when we see how the Bible had taken back seat to Human Philosophy, the Church truly lost its power within its own borders. Shortly after that she lost her authority in the culture. Just a few years later, the Supreme Court reversed its long standing view on prayer and God in schools and the following happened: SAT Scores Plummeted: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Historical_Average_SAT_Scores_%28Vector%29.svg Unwed Teenage Pregnancy Skyrocketed: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/US-birth-rates-for-ages-15-19-and-percent-of-nonmarital-births-Source-US-vital_fig1_310512785 Now we see a rapid decline of Christianity within the last decade, and the rise of not atheism, but spirituality: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/09/13/how-u-s-religious-composition-has-changed-in-recent-decades/ It's almost like we shutout the authority of all knowledge and excellence from the Pulpit and as that trickled into the rest of the Culture, we saw a regression in every sphere of American Life. How can we as Christians in this nation begin to reverse this course? Chair of Theology: What should our fundamental mission be in our world today, and I don't mean the Earth, or the USA, but in our Families, Friends, and Work Relationships? Chair of Philosophy: With the above in mind, how should we order our lives? If we know that our relationship with God directly affects our ability to witness and be effective in our day to day world, how will this knowledge affect our daily lives? Chair of Culture: What must we do in our lives and in our Churches to regain an Authority in the Culture? Is it possible to further damage the view of Christ in the Culture during our outreach? How do we avoid this? Chair of Politics: How has the Christian often confused Politics and Theology? How have we divorced them? How does one go about living as a Citizen of both this world and the next? Chair of Economics: How have we lost the value of the Gospel in whitewashing it to make it more “applicable” to the “seeker”? In the 1960s, the Church focused on making itself more “accessible” to the world. There is something to be said for dispensing with the us 4 and no more attitude that develops in Churches, but how has the Church devalued Holiness in America? How have we become more focused on seats filled and money raised, as opposed to lives changed? Final Thoughts One last thing: What is your favorite thing from the 1960s? #respect #goodguyswinning #Guns #trans #nra #transgender #brettcooper #mattwalsh #changemymind #stevencrowder #michaelknowles #benshapiro #fed #woke #podcast #christianity #furthereveryday #america #rights #listenable #abortion #deathofthewest #israel #palestine #hamasattack #israelhamaswarnewstoday