#0135 Why Hollywood Hates Prince Charming -Further. Every. Day.

#0135 Why Hollywood Hates Prince Charming -Further. Every. Day.

Why Hollywood Hates Prince Charming Further. Every. Day.

Fairytales, Fables, parables, these are all names for the ideal of stories that we tell children to represent the world as it ought to be, not necessarily as it is. We teach our children about morality via these stories.

In 1937 Snow White, hit the Theatres and the world was in awe at the story of the technical achievement and the beauty of the story of Snow White, the animated masterpiece captured even the hardest of hearts. Today, the story is seen as paternalistic and harmful, but why? And it's not just Snow White, but every princess or woman who is saved by a man is considered a harmful archetype, to be replaced only by the woman saving, and rejecting romantically, the man. Why the shift? Let's talk about that today as we watch our culture strays Further Every Day.

To get context, let's watch two clips of Snow White:

Here's where Snow White wishes to meet the Prince and gets that wish granted:


Here's the controversial scene where the Prince kisses the deceased Snow White:


Rachel Zegler is the embodiment of the Woke Culture's view on the above scenes:


There are three things that can be seen here in Zegler's remarks:

  1. A disdain for Traditional Gender Roles and Men

  2. A disdain for history and the desire to remake the world into a woke world

  3. A disdain for everyone who came before her and gave her the privileges she enjoyed as a Disney Princess

Let us look at another re-characterization of a classic story, Sleeping Beauty.

Here are the scenes that have sparked controversy:

Once Upon A Dream:


Here's the culture's take on both of these stories:


Here's the substitute that we see placed in the prince's kiss for both movies: https://youtu.be/ZPrAFHAfpng?feature=shared

Jordan Peterson on the valuable lessons from Sleeping Beauty:


Peterson also goes onto a different interview to say that the story of Snow White has other valuable insights about how a woman must sort through the 7 Dwarfs of her life, each with a piece of what she specifically needs, until she can truly understand and “wake up” to or understand what type of man she truly wants, in Prince Charming.


All of these are valuable lessons that postmodernism shuns, as a woman doesn't need man, and men are basically evil. The root of this lies here: A Disdain and Hatred for Natural Gender Roles and Marriage. If the Enemy of Our Souls can destroy marriage, then how can we ever enjoy the picture of Christ and the Church that was inlaid into the framework of marriage? In the Bible, we see the and and woman specifically given roles that look like Christ and His Bride.

There is nothing wrong with the female protagonist. No one here wants a world of only Prince Charming movies, but if you look at the trend against men saving the day and only becoming the lesser, dumber, or even the completely villainous suitors, you see a move by the postmodern world against the value of traditional marriage. To say that such men do not exist is to be a blind as to say that no princesses are in fact shrews. However, the fairytale genre is focused on the idealist interpretation of the world for the minds of children so as to shape their worldview.

If we tell our youth that men tend to be evil and women should invariably be the leaders alone without a family, then we rob children of their God Given Roles. God designed men to be the Savior (with a role of sacrifice, provision, and protection) of the family. This makes him accountable to God for how he leads his family. God designed women to desire children and to nurture them. When we make the man the villain and the woman the Lone Ranger, men never fulfill the purpose of “Saving the Day”, and women grow old in a childless state, only comforted by professional accolades and cats.

Theology: What are the traditional roles for man and Woman?

Philosophy: Why is the world breaking down these roles, even to the point of mockery?

Culture: What has our culture done to the male figure? Are women actually happier?


Politics: As we've seen this shift in the Postmodern World, how has the Government attempted to prioritize the push of the career woman at the expense of outcome? How has this affected people's view of the beneficiaries of affirmative action?

Economics: How has the destruction of gender roles devalued the innate beauty and merit of the individual genders? What has this done to our view of marriage? What has this done to our society at its core structure?