#032 What Is Nihilism? Is It A Logical Conclusion In Light Of Institutional Decay? -Further. Every. Day.

#032 What Is Nihilism? Is It A Logical Conclusion In Light Of Institutional Decay? -Further. Every. Day.

First off, let's define the term “Nihilism”.

From Webster's 1828:
1: the belief that traditional morals, ideas, beliefs, etc., have no worth or value
2: the belief that a society's political and social institutions are so bad that they should be destroyed

The rise of Nihilism in Europe, supplanted Christianity in the 1900s. This happened as the church lost her authority, and we are watching this pattern repeat in our country. How did the Church lose her authority you may say? Christ IS the authority. Well, have we acted like Christ or even spoken of the true Christ in our Western Churches? Maybe in some, but others not so much. How about the lack of accountability in leadership, or even in the pews? If our institutions do not hold to the values they propound, why are they worthwhile?

In a sense, nihilism in the people is the logical outgrowth of decaying institutions. Do we not see this in government and our education system, in addition to our churches? If we see nihilism in our culture, we have lost the Theological and Philosophical debate. When the church isn't the light, but a seeker friendly environment, excuse me, worldly environment, we find that the institution loses its value and maybe its value should be reconsidered. However, the answer is not to tear down something that once worked well, it needs reformation! The church needs reformation, and because she has not lived up to her potential, the church of the last century has watched all of the other God ordained institutions fall, from government to family.

As Followers of Christ, we must lead a life wholly devoted to Christ. This means our Theology, Philosophy, Culture, Politics, and Economics. If we start with our own families and churches, our communities, province, and country will follow.

What has Nihilism done to our country? https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/rooftop-revelations-pastors-nihilism-destroying-generation

How did we get here? https://www.barna.com/research/2015-sees-sharp-rise-in-post-christian-population/