First Recommandment—I SHALT Not Claim Victimhood | S322

First Recommandment—I SHALT Not Claim Victimhood | S322

In episode 22, Angela and Dana begin with the First Recommandment, "I SHALT not claim victimhood" and discuss the idea that everything is just information, and our perception of that information shapes our reality. They share personal stories about shifting perspectives and offer insights in how you can do that too because we ALL have the power to create our own experiences and to live the lives that we desire.

And as always, true to form, Dana and Angela crack jokes, make merry, and embrace their potty mouths as they drop all pretenses and go commando!

Join us for Season 3 of Empowerment with Angela & Dana, where we celebrate the wisdom of "Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment (Second Edition)", a book written by Dana Sardano. Get your copy at

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