Perspective: Stay Fresh, Cheese Bags! | S446

Perspective: Stay Fresh, Cheese Bags! | S446

In Season 4, episode 46, co-hosts Angela DiMarco and Dana Sardano discuss the importance of recognizing how integrating our experiences broadens our perspective, thus creating compassion within us. As engaging as the conversation was when it began, it quickly went off the rails and evolved into Dana conducting an Intuitive Guidance session for Angela about her divorce. The beauty of this conversation is that, although specific to Angela, it spoke to anyone who is in the midst of personal conflict and who must gather the courage to take action for their best and highest good. And as always, true to form, Dana and Angela crack jokes, make merry, and embrace their potty mouths as they drop all pretenses and go commando!

In Season 4, the ladies discuss concepts from Dana Sardano's book "Beyond the Ten, Decoding the Woo Woo" available through

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