055: Chaotic Current Events

055: Chaotic Current Events

The world has been heavy recently; can we all collectively agree?

This week, we unpack thoughts and feels of Kim K at the MET. Along with the ripple effect of her toxic her actions in preparation for the event, and and her responses in interviews while she was there.

We take a quick left to the Roe v Wade overturn leak in the US Supreme Court. Our initial thoughts, what it means for women and marginalized communities and what we can possibly do to help!

Recording this episode, we understand that we aren't political professionals , nor do we claim to fully understand or have all the answers. But we ARE two women navigating this heavy ? with you all and wanted to create a safe, respectful space for you to sit at our table and hopefully help release some of the weight you may be carrying on your shoulders.

As always, we're so grateful you're here sharing your time and energy with us in this beautiful (and ever growing) community!