Isaiah 53 Introduction Part 1

Isaiah 53 Introduction Part 1

The first part of our introduction to Isaiah chapter 53. We explain the 8 ideas that Isaiah has been teaching us that are crucial to understanding the message and ideas expressed in Isaiah 53.

  1. The nations of the world are guilty of oppressing the people of Israel more than they deserved. God did exile the people and allow the oppression to occur, but it was the choice of the people to oppress the Jews.
  2. When judgement arrives, the nations that chose to oppress the Jewish people, and indeed the nations and leaders who chose to oppress all peoples will suffer for their choice
  3. God makes it extremely clear, that when the Jews were made to suffer exile, it was because of their own sins, not because of the sins of anyone else
  4. When judgement comes, the arrogant nations that still refuse to humble themselves before God, and still refuse to treat others with Justice and righteousness, will be humbled and destroyed.
  5. When judgement comes, the nations who "get the message" and choose to humble themselves before God, and to cease oppressing others and act kindly towards the oppressed, these people will be redeemed.
  6. The nations of the world never understood that God's ways and God's justice is something we cannot understand. We can question it, but we cannot understand it. The fact that someone suffers, does not mean that they are guilty, the facte that someone prospers, does not mean that they are righteous.
  7. The term "My servant" in Isaiah, refers to the people of Israel
  8. The people of Israel are charged with bringing this message to all of the nations of the world. Through the people of Israel, by teaching the world of these ideas, the entire world will be redeemed.