Let the Prophets Speak
Let the Prophets Speak
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Amos 6 - Are You Any Better Than They?
Amos 5b - Let Justice and Righteousness Pour!
Amos 5a - I Have Fallen and I Can't Get Up!
Amos 4 - Prepare to Meet Your Maker
Amos 3 - Reading the Signs
Amos 2 - Profits over Justice
Amos 1 - The Shepherd of Tekoa
Joel 4 - The Valley of Jehoshaphat
Joel 3 - The Spirit of God Upon All the Living
Joel 2 - Rend Your Hearts, Not Your Clothing
Joel 1 - Unity as a Response to Natural Disaster
Hosea 14 - Return to God
Hosea 13 - Leading the People in the Wrong Direction
Hosea 12 - Fight Like Jacob
Hosea 11 - God Will Never Give up on His Child
Hosea 10 - My Two Powerful Oxen
Hosea 9 - Parties of Corruption
Hosea 8 - Don't Forget What Makes You Special
Hosea 7 - The Baker, The Dove, and The Burnt Cake
Hosea 6 - Kindness and Knowledge is All I Want
Hosea 5 - Entrapped and Ensnared
Hosea 4 - No Truth, No Kindness, No Knowledge
Hosea 3 - A Time of Recommittment to Love
Hosea 2b - God Brings His Unfaithful "Spouse" Back home
Hosea 2a - God Compares Israel to a Harlot
Hosea 1 - God Tells Hosea to Marry a Prostitute
Ruth 4 - Boaz Marries Ruth, and Ruth Becomes the Matriarch of the Davidic Dynasty
Ruth 3 - The Midnight Encounter
Ruth 2 - Ruth Gleans in the Field of Boaz
Ruth 1b - Ruth Accompanies Naomi Back to Judah
Ruth 1a - Elimelech and Naomi Leave Judah Behind
Jonah 4 - God Always has Mercy
Jonah 3 - Jonah Travels to Nineveh
Jonah 2 - Jonah Prays from the Belly of the Fish
Jonah 1b - One Person's Potential Lost is a Loss to all of Humankind
Jonah 1a - Jonah Flees to Tarshish
Isaiah 66 - The Final Word of God
Isaiah 65 - God's Response
Isaiah 64 - Isaiah's Plea
Isaiah 63 - God Appears in a Bloody Uniform
Let the beautiful words of the Prophets inspire and challenge you.
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