Episode 28 - The Dumb F@ck Killer (The story of Grant Haze & Laura Ackerson)

Episode 28 - The Dumb F@ck Killer (The story of Grant Haze & Laura Ackerson)

In July of 2011, Grant (The Dumb Fuck Killer) and amanda Haze killed 27 year old Ackerson, and tried to dispose of her body via Texas alligators.

Host - Michael D. Keeney www.instagram.com/Keeney_music

Co-Host - Anne Davis of Trashy Annie www.trashyannie.com

Music for this episode by -


Trashy Annie www.trashyannie.com

JT Sunrise www.instagram.com/jtsunrisemusic

Pharmacide www.instagram.com/pharmacide_thrash

Michael D. Keeney www.instagram.com/Keeney_music