What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul?

What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul?

On todays show we have on Phyllis Okon and we discuss how best to navigate these uncertain times... What is the dark night of the soul? How to create a community if you do not currently have one. How not to impose you will on other people. How do you recognize another persons point of view? ----------------- Michael and Eric Okon operate a global transportation business that is 100% family owned. With locations in multiple states and 100's of employees, the Okon Bros. talk about navigating life, growing up in a family business, writing books, content creation, self-help, law of attraction and more... Here are our websites: Our main company, BLS - https://www.blsco.com Michaels self-help books - https://www.samuelsbooks.com Michaels fiction books - https://www.michaelokon.com Eric Okon LinkedIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericokon Michael Okon LinkedIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-okon-b02b60162

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