OKB 18 : What the Force Teaches about the Power of Belief. | Okon Bros. |

OKB 18 : What the Force Teaches about the Power of Belief. | Okon Bros. |

What the Force Teaches about the Power of Belief. Episode 18.

In this episode of Okon Bros podcast we discuss the movie The Empire Strikes back and it's importance with respect to the Law of Attraction. The force and the law of attraction are one and the same and have massive implications in business and in life.

Check out this episode and learn how the power of belief can propel you forward in your business success.

Michael and Eric Okon operate a global transportation business that is 100% family owned. With locations in multiple states and 100's of employees, the Okon Bros. talk about navigating life, growing up in a family business, writing books, content creation, self-help, law of attraction and more...

Here are our websites:

Our main company, BLS - https://www.blsco.com

Michaels self-help books - https://www.samuelsbooks.com

Michaels fiction books - https://www.michaelokon.com

Eric Okon LinkedIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericokon

Michael Okon LinkedIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-okon-b02b60162

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