How to Sell Your Business Like an M&A Firm. EP93

How to Sell Your Business Like an M&A Firm. EP93

In this episode, I share with you the insider secrets of successful business sales, typically used by large mergers and acquisitions (M&A) firms. I'll break down the exact process these firms use to attract numerous buyers, create bidding wars, and ensure the best sale price and terms for business owners.

Drawing from my experience working directly with M&A firms, I'll walk you through a detailed four-step process that you, as a small business owner, can use to effectively sell your business. This episode covers everything from creating compelling marketing materials to navigating the due diligence process and finalizing the sale.

Whether you're considering selling your business now or in the future, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips. I provide both free and paid options for each step, allowing you to choose the best approach based on your situation and resources.

Check out the links below for templates for a Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) and a business teaser, as well as a template for a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). These resources are designed to give you a head start in preparing your business for sale.

Subscribe for more insights on growing and selling your business. If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to reach out to me on Instagram at

Teaser Template:

Confidential Information Memorandum Template:

NDA Template:

00:00 - Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions

Brody introduces the concept of mergers and acquisitions and its importance in the business selling process.

00:30 - The Power of M&A Firms

Exploring how M&A firms successfully sell businesses through a systematic approach.

01:00 - Brody's Expertise

Brody shares his background as an exit planning consultant and his insights into M&A processes.

02:00 - Relevance to Small Business Owners

Discussing why the M&A process is crucial for small business owners looking to sell.

03:00 - The Four-Step Selling Process

Brody breaks down a four-step process for selling your business, inspired by M&A strategies.

04:00 - Step 1: Creating Marketing Materials

Details on how to create effective marketing materials for your business sale.

05:00 - Step 2: Utilizing Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)

Guidance on using a CIM and a teaser to attract potential buyers.

06:00 - Step 3: The Letter of Intent (LOI)

Understanding the importance of an LOI in the selling process.

07:00 - Step 4: Navigating Due Diligence

Brody explains how to handle the due diligence process effectively.

08:00 - Conclusion and Call to Action

Final thoughts and an invitation to connect with Brody for personalized advice and future content.