How to Get Promoted Fast, A Look Inside Universal Creative - Jake Pelkey | Profession Session EP. 35

How to Get Promoted Fast, A Look Inside Universal Creative - Jake Pelkey | Profession Session EP. 35

Jake Pelkey is a finance coordinator at Universal Creative. Still very young, he has been able to climb through the ranks at Universal incredibly fast using tried and true tactics to gain favor with management and provide value at his job.

Jake also helps me with a lot of editing for Profession Session, and has helped me grow it to what it is today. We discuss our partnership with the podcast and how he's been a big part of it behind the scenes for a while now.

We discuss the tactics and tips, and observations he's made along his corporate climb that have served him well and allowed him to progress quickly in his career at Universal.

Aside from helping me with the podcast, Jake and I are good friends and actually fraternity brothers. We get into our first time working together - serving on the executive board of our fraternity together, and much more.

This interview gets into really great and actionable advice for anyone who finds themselves in the early stages of a new career with a large organization that they are looking to advance quickly in.

Guest: Jake Pelkey

Host: Brody Vinson