Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice with Brenda Fredericks

Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice with Brenda Fredericks

In this episode Brenda speaks to how motherhood has become a spiritual practice for her over the years. And how for many years FLOURISH, her new program for Mothers has been simmering in her bones and now it is pouring out of her into the world. And it is SO needed, being a mother is not an easy job!

You can find more on Brenda below:

Brenda Fredericks is in service to truth, joy and practice. She is a mother, writer, alchemist and a middle school teacher turned entrepreneur. She offers behind the scenes magic at retreats and courses, teaches about living an embodied feminine life, co-hosts a podcast on desire and teaches painting as a spiritual practice. Her newest work is FLOURISH, Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice, with the first group journey beginning in September, 2023. She believes being fully YOU is the medicine needed in the world.

You can apply to FLOURISH via this link below:

And find more about her work here: