The Magic of Birth with Mandi Goldberg

The Magic of Birth with Mandi Goldberg

In this episode I speak with Mandi about the magic of helping babies be born! I so adore the way Mandi views the birth process, she sees it through mystical eyes. She is full of passion and care for the parents and the babies she works with.

Mandi is a full spectrum doula, providing both birth and postpartum support, as well as private and group Hypnobirthing classes in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mandi believes in the magic of the perinatal experience and the power of a mother's inner knowing. She seeks to empower women to trust themselves, their babies and their beautiful bodies. Deeply honored to walk beside families navigating this vulnerable and spectacular transition, Mandi brings a reverent attuned presence to homes and birth spaces.

You can find her at: