The Birth of SoulPlay with Romi Elan

The Birth of SoulPlay with Romi Elan

Romi Elan is Founder and CEO of SoulPlay, a cutting-edge brand of festivals and events focused on creating more embodied connection in the world. SoulPlay 2023 is coming up soon - June 8-11 in Cobb, CA.
Romi also currently serves as Head of Operations & Strategy for Rising Team, a technology startup building solutions that revolutionize Leadership Development and Team building.

Romi holds an MBA from UC Berkeley-Haas, and a BA in Economics from Ben Gurion University in Israel. Prior to his MBA studies, Romi worked as a consultant at McKinsey & Co, led real estate investments in Russia and Sri Lanka, and served as a platoon Sergeant in the IDF (Israel Defense Force).

He currently lives in Maui with his wife, Noa, and his two kids, Gaia and Mai. Together with Noa, they are leaders in the poly / sex positive community in Maui. He lives an open polyamorous lifestyle and has another significant partner on Maui, Mira.

Bringing people together in community has always been his passion from when he was 15 years old. He aspires to create a future world that both he and his kids will thrive in.