

Elisha was unique as an individual and as a prophet, but we can still learn a lot from the way he interacted with God and others. Like him, we can choose to follow God boldly, making it hard or impossible to go back, investing deeply in our relationships with God and others, and giving God a chance to display His power by using what we have on hand and trusting Him to do the rest.

Series: Ultimate Authority: For Such A Time As This

Speaker: John Pryor


Make it so you can't go back. When we make big commitments, it's a great idea to make them public, memorable, and hard to reverse. This powerful strategy works well, which is why God designed so many “that was then, this is now” moments.

1 Kings 19, Romans 6:1-14

Discipleship requires relationship. Jesus told us to make disciples who make disciples. Every image God uses implies close, ongoing connection and a common purpose. We must stay connected to God and to each other—and keep growing.

Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:38-42

Give God a chance to display His power. God loves to rise to the occasion. We should not test God's grace, mercy, forgiveness, and protection—but we should test His power, character, and ability to bless and empower us beyond what we can imagine.

2 Kings 2, Matthew 4:1-10, Malachi 3

Be bold and use what you have right now. Most of the time, God gives us what we need as we go, in real time. Not thinking and overthinking are both mistakes; we must start obeying now, and then keep obeying, trusting God to keep providing.

2 Kings 2-6, 2 Chronicles 20

Lord, I will…