Peace That Passes Understanding, Part 2

Peace That Passes Understanding, Part 2

We only experience supernatural levels of peace when we completely trust God and humbly practice justice and mercy in our daily lives with others. The peace we can each experience through Christ empowers us to be peacemakers--working together to create order out of chaos and live in a purpose-based unity the world can't imagine.

Series: Peace That Passes Understanding

Speaker: John Pryor


Rejoice in the Lord always. We can't fully understand or explain the supernatural levels of peace God gives His people, but we experience it when we completely trust Him and humbly practice justice and mercy. “The Lord is near” refers to God's promises to be with us in times of trouble and Jesus's promise to return.

Colossians 3:15, 2 Thessalonians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 13:11, Philippians 4:4-5, John 16:33, Psalm 145:18, Obadiah 1:15

Do not be anxious…present your requests to God. God guides and provides when we trust and obey. We must choose to live day by day, moment by moment, with eternity in mind. Wisdom helps a lot but worry destroys us.

Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 12:12, Matthew 6:25-34

Let your gentleness be evident to all. Unimaginable levels of strength, wisdom, and peace in the face of trouble can terrify those who are not experiencing them. Never forget that making disciples never stops being our job, no matter the circumstances.

Philippians 4:4 & 8, Matthew 23:23

Whatever you have learned…put it into practice. All of our perspectives, questions, experiences, etc. are never going to be the same, but the body of Christ can work together to bring real healing.

Philippians 4:9, Matthew 5:9

Lord, I will…