

If discipling were a tree, the roots would be the need to be like Jesus and His command to follow Him and make disciples. The trunk would be teaching disciples to obey everything He commanded—beginning with baptism. The branches would be actually doing those things—baptizing, teaching, obeying, mentoring, and making more disciples who make more disciples—and the fruit would be His presence and power with us, an ever-growing group of disciples, and true transformation.

Series: Authentic Faith: The Church

Speaker: John Pryor


Christianity IS discipleship, and we all follow Jesus. Following Jesus and recruiting more followers are not “next level” options for mature Christians. This is who we are and what we do. We follow The Way together. Matthew 7:21-29 & 28:18-20, John 14:6

Choosing The Way means rejecting all other paths. Disciples leave everything else behind. They bet their lives and souls that Jesus is THE Christ. They commit and obey; they take action. Matthew 16:24-26, 2 Corinthians 4:4

Disciples relentlessly study God's Word. Prioritize it. Do whatever it takes to make it part of your daily life. Luke 6:39-40, Hebrews 4:12, James 1:21-25

Disciples communicate with God and with each other. As Jesus modeled for us: prayer syncs us with God, connects us with the Holy Spirit, and unites us with everyone else who does this. Matthew 6:5-15, Luke 6:12-15, Romans 8:26, Ephesians 6:18

Disciples train each other and build each other up. Using God's discipline, instruction, and wisdom, we must lead each other as we follow Jesus and accomplish His will together. Ephesians 6:4, Hebrews 3:12-14, 5:11-14 & 10:23-25, 1 Corinthians 9:22-27, and Colossians 3:12-17

Lord, I will…