

If giving were a tree, the roots would be the fact that God owns everything, that “every good and perfect gift comes down from above.” The trunk would be that giving is an act of worship and trust and an investment in His. The branches are tithes (a consistent pattern throughout scripture of a 10% minimum being God's share) and offerings (what we choose to give out of compassion, abundance, obedience, etc.).

Series: Authentic Faith: The Church

Speaker: John Pryor


God owns everything and provides everything good. All real truth and true goodness can ultimately be traced back to Him and His original, perfect designs. He also remakes us through Christ. Genesis 1, Psalm 24:1, James 1:16-18

God gives us what we need, not what we deserve. He offers us salvation, wisdom, and “everything we need” so we can devote ourselves “to doing good.” John 3:16-17, Psalm 19:8, James 1:5, 2 Peter 1:3, Philippians 2:13, Titus 3:3-8

God deserves to be first and to get our best. The Old Testament minimums were the tithe and the first fruits. These were in place long before they were commanded, but the law was clear. Genesis 4:2-7, 14:14-20 & 28:20-22; 2 Chronicles 31, Ezra 1:1-6

Jesus took legal minimums to heart-level extremes. “You've heard it said…but I say to you…” revealed God's heart, the whys behind all the whats. The early church understood this. Malachi 3:8-10, Luke 11:37-42, Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-37, & 5:1-11; 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 1 Timothy 5:8, 1 John 3:16-17

Giving is worship, trust, and an investment. Giving is the only sane response to God's generosity—and it enables us to have an exponential impact on the world. 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Lord, I will…