

Pride is the rst and most fundamental sin; if we did not believe that we know better than God and act on that belief, we would never commit any other sins! Adam and Eve believed and acted on lies and deliberately disobeyed God; this is what made picking and eating fruit the original sin. Pride blinds us, leading us to misunderstand, judge, distort, and reject God's truths, actions, character, and commands.

Series: Spiritual Disciplines: Seven

Speaker: John Pryor


Pride is the first and most fundamental sin. If we did not believe that we know better than God and act on that belief, we would never commit any other sins! Pride makes us misunderstand, judge, distort, and reject God's truths, actions, and commands. Genesis 3, James 4:10, Luke 18:9-14

Break free from pride. We must intentionally choose God's thoughts, feelings, and choices over our own. We need help to identify, confess, and repent of our pride. Proverbs 11:2 & 16:8, Isaiah 2:17, Leviticus 26:18

Focus on humility. To think of others more than ourselves is to live out our true identity. We must invest every gift God gives us and work with each other to accomplish God's dreams for our lives. John 13:1-17, Philippians 2:1-11, Ephesians 5:1-2, 21 1 Peter 2:11-17, Colossians 3:12, James 3:13, 1 Peter 5:5

Focus on faith. Faith is trust-based action. Truly believing means you do something about what you believe in. This is the purpose of the spiritual disciplines. Hebrews 6:1,12, 10:38-39, and 11-12

Lord I will...