

Envy distorts reality and steals our joy. When we see blessings as needs and rights, we expect them—and justify whatever it takes to “get what we deserve.” When we evaluate God, life, others, and ourselves by these distorted standards, everything and everyone seem unfair and unjust. When we step in to do God's job for Him, it never works; in fact, it destroys everything and disconnects us from God. We become helpless victims, locked in the past.

Series: Spiritual Disciplines: Seven

Speaker: John Pryor


Envy distorts reality and steals our joy. When we see blessings as needs and rights, we expect and demand them. Rooted in pride and 100% selfish, human jealousy keeps us from enjoying life and fully trusting God. God's jealousy seeks to protect from things that kill, steal, or destroy—including our own envy! John 21 & 10:10; Proverbs 14:30 & 27:4; Mark 10:17-31, Hebrews 13:5, 1 Timothy 6:6-12

Break free from envy. The answer is not “awareness” but action. Use the spiritual disciplines to make the right thing easy and the wrong thing hard or impossible!
James 3:13-16, 1 Peter 2:1

Focus on Kindness. Kindness cannot be practiced alone, but envy can—and usually is.
1 Corinthians 13

Focus on Hope. All true transformation requires replacing something. We must believe enough to make relentless, daily choices in the right direction—and this makes it possible for the Holy Spirit to produce His fruit in us. Galatians 5

Lord, I will…

**We appoligize for the poor audio quality, we had some technical difficulties. We should have the problem fixed by next week.