

The Arrival. Based on everything that is celebrated during Advent and most of the key passages read during this season, it focuses on four ways Jesus has arrived, does arrive, and will arrive. It will also focus on how all this should shape every day of our lives.

Series: Love Incarnate

Speaker: John Pryor
Turn your volume up when Jace is guiding Wyatt to hear what is being said.


God keeps His promises. We have real hope—not just positive thinking. We wait expectantly and live courageously because God has a perfect track record of showing up. We know Jesus will come again because we already know Him as Emmanuel.
Psalm 146:5-10 & 27:14; John 1:1-5, 1 Peter 1:13

We trust and obey. God rarely does what we expect, but (in His time) He always uses people, and He keeps His promises when we keep trusting and obeying. John 1:6-10, Luke 1:8-14

God gives us joy and peace. Sometimes we have to wait a long time, but He gives us joy and peace while we wait—and an even better kind of joy and peace when He shows up!Luke 2:25-38, John 14:6-7 & 8:12-19

We share His love. God showed us that love means putting others first and showing up in practical ways. As His children, we must love others as He loved and still loves us. When we do this, He is with us. 1 John 4:10, John 3:16-19, 1:11-14 & 13:33-35
Isaiah 35:8, Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus Christ is Lord. The first Christmas gifts remind us that Jesus is the King of kings, the Great High Priest, and the Lamb of God. Matthew 2:1-11

What are you waiting for?

What will you give Jesus?