

Truth includes “not lying,” but God wants much more than that. Things work best when they do what they were designed to do, the way they were designed to do it. We only reach our full potential when we follow The Way and when we know, live by, and share The Truth (John 14:6).

Series: Moral Boundaries: What God Wants

Speaker: John Pryor


We must live within God's moral boundaries. Things work best when they do what they were designed to do, the way they were designed to do it. We only reach our full potential when we follow The Way and we know, live by, and share The Truth.

John 10:10, 14:6, and 15; Matthew 22:35-40, Micah 6:8

We must see all human life as sacred. God created all human beings in His own image. Taking a human life for selfish reasons is murder. God's grace and mercy covers every sin, but love means feeding, sheltering, adopting, empowering…

Genesis 1:27, James 3:9, Exodus 20:13 & 22:2-3, Matthew 25:37-40

Truth sets us free to produce fruit. We must refuse to distort, reject, or ignore the Truth—and we dare not keep the Truth to ourselves! Silence tells a deeper, truer story than blurting out everything we think, and the truth sets us free to produce fruit!

John 15:1-3, 26-27 and 8:32, Joshua 7

We must speak the Truth in love. Jesus told us to share the Truth; the question is not IF but HOW. We speak with words and silence, through action and inaction; even when we don't mean to “testify,” we are testifying. If you don't know how to share the Truth in love, join us as we focus on doing this more than ever, this year!

Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:11-16

Lord, I will…