Missing Out

Missing Out

We were created to crave life, health, responsibility, belonging, and significance, but sin has twisted this into chronic fear of missing out and an endless, pointless epidemic of busyness. The cure is fearing God and fearing missing out on His perfect will. When we know Him as the Ultimate Father He is, we find the acceptance, purpose, and joy we were designed for.

Video referred to can be found here.

Series: Wise Choices: Whom Shall I Fear

Speaker: John Pryor


Wisdom is much more than profound quotes and avoiding foolish choices. Truly wise people live with purpose, always trying to make the best possible choice in every situation.

Fear of missing out affects most of our choices. It drives us to pursue “milestones”; it also drives us to waste a lot of time, energy, and resources. We were created to crave life, health, responsibility, belonging, and significance, but the caucus race of busyness and the devil's lies keep us too busy to live.

John 8:44 & 10:10, Genesis 1-3, Ecclesiastes 4:4

Fear God and missing out on His perfect will. Like Gomer leaving Hosea, we don't know what we're missing, and we tend to make terrible choices to “make sure” we don't miss out. God suffers from our rejection and while He takes us back every time, our unfaithfulness does change the relationship. Real love demands everything.

Hosea 1-3 & 14:8-9, Psalm 27:1, Matthew 13:44-46, Jeremiah 29:10-11

Fear not fully knowing the Ultimate Father. God wants us to know Him, and knowing Him means fearing, loving, and obeying Him. He demands that we seek Him with our whole heart because He knows that He and His plans for us will give us our best possible lives. In Christ, we are accepted, secure, and significant.*

Jeremiah 29:12-13, Proverbs 9:10, Luke 15:11-31

Lord, I WILL…

* Please note the Freedom in Christ handouts provided today!