

Fear of suffering makes us obsessed with safety, clinging to the illusion of control. We only have control of the choices we make--preferably wise choices that are likely to benefit us and others, but often we must simply choose how to react to circumstances beyond our control. Fear can cripple us, but when fear of not doing what needs done more than we fear suffering, we can make a difference in the midst of suffering.

Series: Wise Choices: Whom Shall I Fear

Speaker: John Pryor


Fear of suffering makes us obsessed with “safety". We grasp at anything to try and “stay in control” but we never actually are. Control is an illusion—but God gives us full control over our own choices.

Matthew 10:5-42, Job 1-2

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. We must face reality as it is to thrive—or even survive! God is in ultimate control, we are not, and suffering still happens. We are expected to be as wise as we can be, but true strength begins with solid trust.

James 4, Psalm 25:4-5, Job 3, Psalm 27:8

Embrace the good that remains. There is SO MUCH GOOD still happening, including the shelters we hide in, the beauty of nature, and the technology that lets us stay connected.

Acts 16, Philippians 4, 1 Peter 2:17

Embrace the mystery. Hardships DO come, but nothing can separate us from His love.

Romans 8:14-15 & 28-39, Isaiah 8:13

Fear of not doing what needs done inspires bravery. When we follow the example of Jesus—the Suffering Servant—He will be with us. He will give us the power, love, and wisdom we need.

Philippians 2:1-11, 2 Timothy 1:7

Lord, I will…