Freight Brokers That Lie

Freight Brokers That Lie

Brokers that don't tell the truth about loads is the focus of this FBTV Podcast. It happens, we all know it happens, yet there's really not a good reason for it to happen.

Also, in this FBTV Podcast, we're at the 90-day mark for the Trucking Action Plan to be shared. In December of last year, the White House announced the creation of the TAP and said it would use the next 90 days to study what it can do to support quality trucking jobs.

We also have the top 5 truck stops, independent and chain, announced by Trucker Path. The best were based on ratings, reviews, feedback, and votes from more than 1 million users.

The rumor mill is at it again, this time how to save on buying gas. Don't be a victim of this hack. This and more in this FBTV Podcast.

The FBTV Podcast can now be seen (and heard) on YouTube as a live stream every Saturday morning starting at 9A.M. Central Time. The live stream is available to the public then the topic from that FBTV Podcast will be made available as a stand-alone Freight Broker TV YouTube Video. If you miss the live stream, you can still listen to the FBTV Podcast on your favorite podcast app as soon as it drops (normally within 24 hours).

FBTV from TALTOA. If you've been wanting to work as a freight broker or freight broker agent, seeking freight broker training or freight broker agent training, looking for a work at home job... a career? TALTOA!

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