Saturday Morning Q&A - Truck Prices Down - Biden Reaching Out To The Oil Industry?

Saturday Morning Q&A - Truck Prices Down - Biden Reaching Out To The Oil Industry?

It's Saturday morning and that means it's time for an FBTV Video Podcast. We live stream the Saturday morning FBTV Podcast on YouTube, most Saturdays, starting at 9A.M. Central Time.

In this FBTV Podcast we will be featuring your Q&A's that include questions about contracting freight broker agents, a question from a trucker's wife, a question from the owner of a new trucking company, and a question about freight broker quick pay.

In addition to that it looks like the White House is unofficially reaching out to oil companies about restarting refineries, more about the FMCSA speed limiters, the good news about used truck prices (don't get too excited) and looks like some drivers are advice. This and more in this FBTV Podcast.

A new FBTV Podcast is available every Wednesday & Saturday and is hosted by Michael, the lead consultant for TALTOA. If you've been considering a career as a freight broker or freight broker agent, seeking freight broker training or freight broker agent training, looking for a work at home job... a career? Take a few minutes and see what TALTOA has to offer!

Looking for more informative information for working as a freight broker, freight broker agent, or even if you are a trucking company considering adding a broker operation as an additional stream of revenue, then you should visit our YouTube Channel “Freight Broker TV.

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Freight Broker TV Website:

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