The Trucks Ready To Go.... well... not so much.

The Trucks Ready To Go.... well... not so much.

Took a week off but the FBTV Podcast is back with a new schedule (TBA). It's August 22, 2022 and the topic of today's podcast is dispatchers saying the truck is ready, when it isn't. We'll be talking about that and chain laws, 2290's and more.

A new FBTV Podcast is available every Wednesday & Saturday and is hosted by Michael, the lead consultant for TALTOA. If you've been considering a career as a freight broker or freight broker agent, seeking freight broker training or freight broker agent training, looking for a work at home job... a career? Take a few minutes and see what TALTOA has to offer!

Looking for more informative information for working as a freight broker, freight broker agent, or even if you are a trucking company considering adding a broker operation as an additional stream of revenue, then you should visit our YouTube Channel “Freight Broker TV.

FBTV YouTube Channel:

Freight Broker TV Website:

TALTOA Website: