

Thanks so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over eight years broadcasting on the internet!

Former President Obama expressed concern about the “rule of law” after the Department of Justice exonerated Lt. General Michael Flynn. As the documents are released, it looks like “Russiagate” started in the Oval Office on January 5, 2017. President Trump has referred to this news as OBAMAGATE – more to come!
On Monday's show, we visit with author, historian, and Founder and Publisher of historycentral.com Marc Schulman – reporting from Tel Aviv – about current world affairs including developments in Iran, Libya, Israel, and the global and national response to the Coronavirus crisis. The President Emeritus of the Foundation for Economic Education and I discuss opine about how our Founders may have responded to Covid-19. We also visit with Jim McTague, former Barron's Washington Bureau Chief and author of “Shake the Money Tree” about the barriers to our economic recovery and the surprising response of financial markets.

We have great guests lined up for Tuesday's show including our State Senator Kathleen Passidomo, local guest and commentator Boo Mortenson, the President of American Commitment Phil Kerpen, and the Founder and President of Less Government Seton Motley.

Please join us live at 7 a.m. on my website or on kstartalkradio.com. You can also access the show any time on podcast platforms (iTunes, TuneIn, Spotify and Stitcher) or on my website, www.bobharden.com.