The Father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl

The Father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over 12 years broadcasting on the internet!

On Wednesday's show, we continue our discussion on the differences between liberal and conservative judges in interpreting and applying the Constitution with Chairman Emeritus of the Cato Institute Bob Levy. Author and Professor Andrew Joppa and I discuss the father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, the war in Gaza, and the origins of anti-Semitism.

Please join us on Thursday's show. We'll visit with CEO of the Florida Citizens Alliance Keith Flaugh, Cato Institute's Michael Cannon, Less Government's President Seton Motley, and former Mayor of Naples, Bill Barnett.

Please access this or past shows at your convenience on my web site, social media platforms or podcast platforms.