The Legality of Vaccine Mandates

The Legality of Vaccine Mandates

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over 12 years broadcasting on the internet.

On Wednesday's show, Bob Levy, Chairman Emeritus of the Cato Institute, and I discuss the Supreme Court's decision on the Texas border, and we discuss vaccine mandates. Author and Professor Andrew Joppa and I discuss a variety of topics including the U.S. military, the war in Ukraine, “lawfare,” and the resilience of Donald Trump.

Please join us on Thursday's show. We'll visit with CEO of the Florida Citizens Alliance Keith Flaugh, Michael Cannon from the Cato Institute, Less Government's Seton Motley, and former Mayor of Naples, Bill Barnett.

Please access this or past shows at your convenience on my web site, social media platforms or podcast platforms.