The FCC Has the Solution - What's the Problem?

The FCC Has the Solution - What's the Problem?

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over 12 years broadcasting on the internet.

On Friday's show, we discuss Speaker Johnson and the “supplemental emergency” spending plan, and we update Trump litigation with William Yeatman, Senior Legal Fellow with the Pacific Legal Foundation. We visit with Phil Kerpen, President of American Commitment about the FCC's plan to regulate the internet. We visit with Earth Scientist Ellen Prager about carbon dioxide and climate change. We also visit with Professor Larry Bell about Israel and Iran.

Please join us for Monday's show. We have terrific guests including historian and founder of Marc Schulman, Executive Editor of the Foundation for Economic Education website Jonathan Miltimore, and author Jim McTague.

Please access this or past shows at your convenience on my web site, social media platforms or podcast platforms.