Vaccine Mandates and the Florida Special Legislative Session

Vaccine Mandates and the Florida Special Legislative Session

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over ten years broadcasting weekdays – providing you news and commentary rooted in the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government and the rule of law.

On Thursday's show, we visit with Keith Flaugh, Co-Founder of the Florida Citizens Alliance, about the legislative alternatives for addressing vaccine mandates in Governor DeSantis' special legislative session on November 15. We visit with Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. George Markovich, about what the election results in Virginia and New Jersey may mean for our future. We visit with the Founder and President of Less Government, Seton Motley, about Biden's spending bills - which should suffer McAuliffe's fate.

Please join us on tomorrow's show.

We have terrific guests including William Yeatman, Research Fellow at the Cato Institute, the Director of Health Studies at the Cato Institute, Michael Cannon, the author of “Perfect,” Lew Paper, and Dave Bego, the author of “The Devil at Our Doorstep.”

Please join us live at 7 a.m. on, or you can access the show anytime on podcast platforms (iTunes, TuneIn, Spotify, and Stitcher, Vurbl, and ChoiceSocial).