Our "Carbon Dioxide" Disarmament

Our "Carbon Dioxide" Disarmament

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over ten years broadcasting weekday mornings – providing you news and commentary rooted in the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government and the rule of law.

On Thursday's show, we visit with Keith Flaugh, Co-Founder of the Florida Citizens Alliance, about progress on the Florida abortion bill, and we discuss a few key public-school legislative bills that are being debated in this legislative session. We visit with Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. George Markovich, about Omicron and public health policy. We visit with the Founder and President of Less Government, Seton Motley, about the absurdity of our unilateral carbon dioxide disarmament. We also discuss the Naples City Council election results with the former Mayor of Naples, Bill Barnett.

We have terrific guests scheduled for Friday's show including Research Fellow at the Cato Institute William Yeatman, Executive Director of the Collier Senior Center Esther Lully, candidate for Collier County Commissioner, District 2, Nancy Lewis, and Endowed Professor at the University of Houston Larry Bell.