Truckers Fight for Freedom

Truckers Fight for Freedom

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over ten years broadcasting weekday mornings – providing you news and commentary rooted in the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government and the rule of law.

On Tuesday's show, we were unable to have phone guests on the show, but new equipment is on the way!

Linda Harden joined us, and we discuss the Canadian trucker convoy and the lack of leadership of the Canadian Prime Minister. We also discuss the Olympics, turmoil in the White House, and the movement to decertify the 2020 elections in three counties in Arizona.

Please join us tomorrow when we visit with Bob Levy from the Cato Institute and Professor Andrew Joppa.

Please join us live at 7 a.m. on, or access the show anytime on podcast platforms (iTunes, TuneIn, Spotify, and Stitcher, Vurbl, and ChoiceSocial).