The Case for School Choice

The Case for School Choice

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating our 11th year broadcasting on the internet.

On Thursday's show, we visit with Walter Blank with the American Federation for Children about his column, “Opposition to School Choice Reeks of Elitism.” Michael Cannon from the Cato Institute and I discuss drug legalization and the opioid epidemic. The Founder and President of Less Government, Seton Motley, and I discuss how China profits from our “green energy” movement. We also visit with the former Mayor of Naples, Bill Barnett, about this week's local election results.

We have terrific guests scheduled for Friday's show including Research Fellow at the Cato Institute William Yeatman, Brad Palumbo from the Foundation for Economic Education, Timothy Head from the Faith & Freedom Coalition, and Endowed Professor at the University of Houston and author Larry Bell.

Please access this or past shows at your convenience on my web site, social media platforms or podcast platforms