Critical Developments in China and the Middle East

Critical Developments in China and the Middle East

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over 11 years broadcasting on the internet.

On Friday's show, we visit with William Yeatman, Senior Legal Fellow at the Pacific Legal Foundation, about Biden's political moves leading to the mid-term elections, and we discuss two major legal decisions announced this week. Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Founder and President of The American Islamic Forum for Democracy, and I discuss developments in the Middle East and the continuing threats of terrorism and political jihad. Our former Congressman Ambassador Francis Rooney and I discuss the Russian-Ukrainian war. We also visit with Larry Bell, Endowed Professor at the University of Houston about the potential implications for China's recent “election.”

Please join us for Monday's show. We have terrific guests including historian Marc Schulman, author Jim McTague and Larry Reed from the Foundation for Economic Education.

Please access this or past shows at your convenience on my web site, social media platforms or podcast platforms.