The Rise of "Medical Wearables"

The Rise of "Medical Wearables"

Thank you so much for listening to the Bob Harden Show, celebrating over 11 years broadcasting on the internet.

On Tuesday's show, we visit with our State Senator, Kathleen Passidomo about today's “swearing in” ceremony to acknowledge her as President of the Florida State Senate. The President of Less Government Seton Motley and I discuss the Biden administration's attempt to push the nomination of a radical-left member of the FCC. We discuss the evidence of corruption in the Arizona elections and the unwillingness of several counties to certify the results with local columnist Linda Harden. We also visit with Boo Mortenson about “medical wearables” and we opine about the intelligence of rats.

Please join us tomorrow when we visit with Senior Fellow Emeritus and former Chairman of the Cato Institute Bob Levy and author and Professor Andrew Joppa.