"Stay at Home" Order: What Does It Mean?

"Stay at Home" Order: What Does It Mean?

Thanks for listening to the Bob Harden Show – celebrating over eight years broadcasting on the internet!

On today's show we discuss the importance and impact of the Governor's “stay at home” order for the state of Florida. We visit with Pastor Keith Flaugh, co-founder of the Florida Citizens Alliance, about the necessity of learning at home due to public school closings and the opportunities for parents to explore more robust alternative home-schooling curriculums. We visit with Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. George Markovich about Covid-19 and the impact on public health and healthcare providers. The Founder and President of Less Government Seton Motley and I discuss the European Union's 25% reduction in the internet because to Covid-19 and the importance on maintaining leadership over China in the roll out of “5G.” We also visit with Naples Mayor Bill Barnett.

Please join us for tomorrow's show. We visit with William Yeatman from the Cato Institute, The Founder and CEO of Maximize Your Talent Art DeLorenzo, local author and writer Sharon Kenny, and author and entrepreneur Dave Bego.

Please join us live a little before 7 a.m. or in archives at your convenience. You can access the show on podcast platforms (iTunes, TuneIn, and Stitcher) or on my website, www.bobharden.com.