EPISODE 3: Sports Celebrity Crises - Part 1 - Tiger Woods

EPISODE 3: Sports Celebrity Crises - Part 1 - Tiger Woods

Sports celebrity endorsements are worth big bucks and these deals are usually built on good character as well as the required incredible athletic performance. What happens when these public leaders don't live up to their image?

Mark and Brady do a deep dive on the impact of Tiger Woods' 2009/2010 sex scandal as the ultimate case study, with discussion of economic impact as well as best practices, missed opportunities, and salacious details.

By way of background, listeners can review these supporting documents that were discussed in the Episode (regarding the Academic Articles, they may appear behind a paywall):

  1. Timeline of Tiger Woods crises: https://www.biography.com/news/tiger-woods-sex-scandal-facts

  2. Tiger Woods worth $ 1 billion https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattcraig/2022/06/10/tiger-woods-officially-a-billionaire-no-thanks-to-the-saudis/?sh=f6d3b07da03d

  3. Academic Article 1 Tiger Woods crisis cost to sponsors https://www.jstor.org/stable/42919517

  4. Academic Article 2 - https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsc/6/1/article-p87.xml

  5. Academic Article 3 https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2018.3243.2018.3243

The gents also discuss Kanye West and Kyrie Irving's recent antisemitic remarks and the fallout, as well as sponsorship revenue declines at Twitter after Elon Musk's purchase and abrasive actions and messaging. They also revisit the latest news on the Rogers Telecommunications service failure and the impacts of the failures of their corporate crisis communications.

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