EP 17 - Music Review: Artist BSK song RIGHT GROOVE

EP 17 - Music Review: Artist BSK song RIGHT GROOVE

ARTIST BSK SONG Right Groove ABOUT ARTIST For rap artist BSK, music is a journey of self-expression. Ben Sharpe Knowles, who writes music under the moniker BSK, first started creating during the pandemic of 2020. What originally began as a distraction developed into a full-blown fascination for writing, creating and expressing his inner thoughts and feelings. The result of this is his debut album ‘The Mind of BSK,' released to his following of 92,000 monthly listeners. ‘Right Groove' is the lead single available to listen on all platforms. IG https://www.instagram.com/ben_sharp_k... TWITTER https://twitter.com/bensharpknowles?s... FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBSKm... WELCOME TO The Godmother Podcast With Your Host Queen Muhammad SHOP SHOW SPONSORS https://linktr.ee/shopwithqueen Follow Show @godmotherpodcast Follow Host @mamabearqueen215 Follow Company @maddpopworldwide Support The Show $maddpop PURCHASE QUEEN MUHAMMAD BOOKS TODAY https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks... TO BOOK QUEEN MUHAMMAD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS [email protected]