How Can I Use My Super Friendly Personality To Help Me Build My Real Estate Business

How Can I Use My Super Friendly Personality To Help Me Build My Real Estate Business

In today's episode, we are talking with Sylvia Dana with eXp Realty. Sylvia shares how she used her friendly, outgoing personality traits to help her build her successful Real Estate Business. She took some great advice from her first managing broker and began implementing just 5 ways to start generating leads to grow her business. She liked some of his lead generating tactics that she went on to learn about, while she despised others. So, she stuck with the tasks that she enjoyed and eventually had great success. She has also learned how having other people do the tasks that she's weak at could grow her real estate business exponentially. So, she is always looking to add talent to her team with partners that are strong, where she is weak. She believes you should grow and continually push your talents to the limits, but to be a successful agent, you don't have to be great at everything. As you grow and expand your strengths, so too will your weaknesses get less and less.