Episode 36: When Relationships Break Down

Episode 36: When Relationships Break Down

In this episode of Grab the Map, Johnson Crutchfield will share with us how to go through when relationship break downs in real estate investing, how we can fix these relationships and how we can manage these breakdowns for it not to affect our long-term goals.

[1:27] Real Estate investing is a long-term initiative, there are a lot of opportunities to grow and succeed but it is going to take time. You are going to have to cultivate relationships on the way and fix some relationships when they breakdown.

[3:05] If you don't realize that your relationship is breaking down, this will get in your way. Things will come back to haunt you at the worst timing. The effect can be long-lasting consequences.

[4:27] Ask yourself, what do they cost you? Everybody has a unique skill set that you might need in the future. You don't want to burn bridges that you'll have to cross someday. If they are serving a purpose now, they can also serve a purpose later.

[8:07] Think about when a relationship breakdown, how can it be difficult for you.

[9:37] When a relationship breaks down, it can cost you long-term problems. People could have a view of you that you never presented to them, but they heard about from somebody else.

[10:18] Relationships that are broken down needs to be fixed, but sometimes other relationships need to be left alone and we need to move on although you need to leave it in a place where you can return if you have to. If you said the wrong thing, you need to apologize. It does not mean that you will need the person again, but instead, that person will remember that apology. This requires humility, if a relationship breakdown it does not mean that it was the other person's fault. You need to be humble to admit that you were wrong.

[13:42] When a relationship breaks down, especially in real estate investing, a lot of times the winner in the short term does not win long term.

[14:53] Our long-term goal could be affected by our short-term loss.

[15:40] We have all the negative consequences that we can choose but this affects the long run. Make a decision that can allow the relationship move further along the long term.

[17:03] When we're thinking about when relationships break down. We've got some possibilities of how we can fix them. If we think about what they cost us if we think about what it really takes to repair these relationships, and who wins and who loses.

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