The World & Sacrifice

The World & Sacrifice

The ways, the sins and ideology of the world has taken over America from our government, to our colleges, to our schools, to our politicans, to our social clubs, to the movie industry, to the music industry, to the social media, to television programing, to the local news stations and also to our American churches. What is even worse is that it has also prenetrated our so-called Christian schools and the thinking of most American Christians to some degree or the other. Not only have we lost the concept of holiness, simplicity and purity, but America and it's church system have become sexually supercharged with sexual lust because of pronography and the entertainment industry. Every kind of sexual sin and perversion is in the church today from adultery to incest and from pornorgraphy to sex with children. And a great number of American pastors are also doing the same things. The greatest danger to the souls of Christians is the compromises they are making with the world and it's evil ways. Almost every day there is another report of pastor being exposed for sexual sin or a school teacher having sex with a child. This is true for women teachers as well as men. As the chruch goes so the country goes. How can the church have any moral influence on society when it is guilty of the same sins, especially sexual sins?