Supercharged with Sexual Lust

Supercharged with Sexual Lust

America and the American church is supercharged with sexual lust. It is now normal for most church members and pastors to be involved in pornography, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, incest, same-sex marriages, sex with children, prostitutes and virtually every other kind of sexual sin. As a result divorce is rampant in the church and familes are being torn apart with children scattered to the wind and souls are being lost by the thousands. All the while the pastors of the American church say little and do even less to address the porn epidemic or the moral decline of the church today. They are more interested in keeping the members entertained with programs while those very members are on the way to hell in their sins. The reason they tickle ears is because they love the approval of man and the unjust gain of being paid by members who work for a living. Our whole country is corrupted from the federal government to our school system. And the church is corrupted by pastors who will not take a serious stand against sin and those who practice sin in the church. As a result whatever the world is doing, so is the Church.