False Teachers are Teaching and Practicing False Worship

False Teachers are Teaching and Practicing False Worship

Entertainment has replaced true worship. I will examine why the modern church has redefined worship as something that is done in a certain location at a certain time. To be clear, worship is not about singing or making music. Singing is singing, and music is music. Worship is about what your heart goes after and the god you serve from within. If your god is money, you don't gather people around you and get a band of musi­cal instruments together to make music and sing songs about money in order to worship the god of money, do you? Of course not! You just practice greed from your heart. The way you worship any of the other gods is to give them your heart, your affection, your love, your devotion, your obedience and you do everything in your everyday life you can to satisfy your desire for that god. It doesn't matter if that god is pride, sex, lust, greed, selfishness, anger, jealousy, sports, money, or any one of many of other gods offered by this world. If you worship and serve the god of sexual lust, you do so from within your heart every time you entertain lustful thoughts, commit immoral acts, view sexual content or partici­pate in dirty jokes. You don't have to sing any songs about lust in order to worship the god of sexual lust, just serve lust from within your heart and with your body. www.christianmyths.org